CrossFit Newbury

Join Our Gymnastics Clinic on October 23

It’s here, we know you’ve all been waiting for this!

We are hosting a Gymnastics Clinic on October 23rd, 1pm to 3pm

Coaches Sacha and Nat will be running the clinic.

We will be focusing on all things Gymnastics for CrossFit: Kipping, Core, Handstands, Toes to Bar, Pull Ups…. and a lot more.

This is open clinic for both tribe members and non-members. 

Please note, spaces will be limited to 15. 

Book now using the Wodify App, or simply click on the link below.

Cost £40.



07546 659894


Pelican Lane
Newbury RG14 1NX

CrossFit Journal: The Performance-Based Lifestyle Resource