CrossFit Newbury

Chase Goals, Not Squirrels


Distractions are everywhere. Don’t let the latest Instagram craze or YouTube fad become your guide.

Here’s why you have a Coach:
There’s too much out there. A lot of it looks or sounds good. But most of it is rubbish.

You know you can’t do everything. Trying to do too much will set you back. Not doing enough means no progress.

The decisions are overwhelming. It’s difficult to know where to start.

Knowledge and experience matter.

Your Coach is your guide in this confusing world.
Most people are aware of overtraining, and we’re all afraid of getting injured. There’s an optimal amount of training, just as there’s an optimal amount of food to eat. Too little, and your progress will be slow. Too much and you risk injury and burn out.

We’ve chosen CrossFit and Deka Comp for our primary group training because it’s a great balance: It’s not too little and it’s not too much and there’s a great mix of weights, gymnastics, cardio, grunt work, and skills training. But even as hard as our workouts are, many people are tempted to do more: to add a little “recovery run,” or even to do multiple workouts in a day. This is NOT the path to success. Similarly, inconsistency is the enemy of progress. But what is the magic solution?

More is NOT better. Clearly inconsistency is not better.

BETTER is better.

You have a coach. That coach is your filter. Your coaches are here to tell you what’s optimal and help you make the best decisions to enable your progress.

At Freesol, our coaches want to talk to you every 3-4 months about your progress. We call it a “Goal Setting”. One-on-one, in person. Your coach wants to ask you about your goals, review your progress and then give you the best possible prescription for success.

Book your next Goal Setting appointment in your Wodify app. It’s part of your membership!

What we DON’T want is for you to have to guess. We don’t want you to try fad diets or workout programs just because someone else is doing them or because of some glossy ad. If you’re trying to get that first pull-up, add 10kg to a lift, or increase your cardio capacity, you don’t need to follow some other program that promises to get you there in 6 weeks. We don’t even want you to do what everyone else in the gym is doing, because their program is theirs. It’s not yours.

You just need to discuss it with your coach, be consistent, work hard and let our coaches do what they do best, guide you on the best course to success.

Train in a group, tailor individually: That’s what our coaches do.



07546 659894


Pelican Lane
Newbury RG14 1NX

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